Traditionally the point values are: grounder, 25 cents line drive single bounce, 75 cents line drive two bounces, 50 cents line drive three bounces ,25 cents ball caught in the air, $1. An allotted money value is given to those who field, say, a ground ball within a couple of bounces a value is subtracted if they don’t. Instead of a thrower, there’s a designated hitter who is self-pitching and smacking balls towards fielders. This is just a spin of “500” but it helps facilitate fielding practice. (Kids having trouble catching those high tosses? This is h ow to teach a kid to field a fly ball, in six steps) 2. The game lasts until someone achieves 500 or more points. Whomever catches the ball without dropping it gets the amount of points if they drop it, they lose that amount of points. The thrower tosses the ball high in the air and shouts out a number between 25 and 500. One designated thrower stands an agreed-upon distance away from the rest of the players, all of whom are catchers. 500Ī classic spin on traditional catch that works best with three people or more. Here, then are 16 throwing and catching games to play with kids this year. Third, when it hits the arms use the ‘hug trick’ ⏤ just give it a big old hug. Second, don’t take your eye off the ball. First, keep the arms outstretched but close together (like train tracks) as the ball approaches.
Oh, and if any of the kids are just learning how to catch a ball ⏤ or are having difficulty doing so ⏤ it’s important to stop any game to show them proper technique. All are great back-pocket outdoor activities for kids when all you have is a ball and some space. Some are summer camp re-skins that make throwing a ball a bit more active others are just slight tweaks to the format that add a nice dose of competition. Whatever the case, there are many different variations of throwing and catching games to occupy kids. Other times, plain old catching and throwing becomes boring and a bit more fun needs to be injected into the game. Sometimes, the kids need to burn off energy and standing around lobbing a ball doesn’t achieve that. One of the best parts of catch is that it’s highly adaptable. Even better, these throwing games ensure continued opportunities to spend quality time outdoors with your son or daughter and away from his or her smartphone. If you’ve been looking to raise the stakes and reinvigorate a fatherhood staple, then it’s time to try out a few new throwing and catching games this year. But all that repetition can get old, and conversation can run stale. Catch, the simple act of throwing a ball back and forth, is the most basic throwing game in the world, if you want to call it that.