Install R, a LaTeX distribution, then RStudio and TeXstudio Please install this software in the order give below, since both Rstudio and TeXstudio need your R and LaTeX distributions to be installed first. See also the Maxima website and Ted Woolett's Maxima by Example.īelow are instructions to install RStudio and TeXstudio so that (1) you can use R and create professional looking documents using LaTeX, and (2) so that both RStudio and TeXstudio can compile knitr/sweave documents - integrated R code in a LaTeX document that automates running the code and inserting it and/or it's output into the document without any additional formatting by you! This also allows you to use R Markdown to make high quality R documents without the learning curve associated with LaTeX. Resources to get started with Maxima: Instant Maxima ( PDF) by Steve Ellner, based partly on Richard H.

Linux users: Most distributions provide binaries for both Maxima and wxMaxima.

Mac users: First, install homebrew ( ) and then download and install Maxima and wxMaxima via: Windows users: I suggest the slightly more user friendly front end wxMaxima (the download includes both Maxima and the wxMaxima front end), or you can download plain ol' Maxima. This is my preferred free alternative to computer algebra systems (CASs) like Maple, Mathematica, and SymPy in Python.